Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What's New?

I know, it's been far to long since there's been an update on what's new with construction but here's one for the books!  We've got so much going on it's hard to get it all in one post.

Despite the never-ending amounts of rain we received, the cement was poured!!! (Can we consider those 2 weeks of rain our Spring because I think Summer is here now!)   This layer of cement is the top portion of the composite steel deck floor system mentioned in the earlier post.   

Example of Roof Trusses

Following the pouring and setting of the cement, the crew began installing the wooden roof trusses.  Roof trusses are structural building components used in residential and commercial roof construction. Typically, wood trusses are characterized by their triangular shape and are constructed by securing pieces of lumber together with metal fastener plates.  They come to the construction site completely pieced together and ready to install!  This helps save money because you decrease on-site waste disposal charges, theft, vandalism and they dramatically reduce construction time!

And last but not least, the enclosure for the new elevator!!  


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